Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Three Women Caught After Hiding Stolen Goods In Their Private Part

There was drama at Joharis after three women were arrested with goods hidden in their private parts.
Three Women Caught After Hiding Stolen Goods In Their Private Part
The three who were smartly dressed were captured on CCTV cameras installed at the supermarket in Nairobi.

According to sources, the smartly dressed women entered the supermarket just as normal customers and started walking around the supermarket as if they were looking for something specific.

They walked round and after picking what they wanted went to pay at the cashier. It was while there that someone monitoring the CCTV noticed an anomaly. The cameras had tracked their movement and how they had hidden goods in their private parts.

The cashier demanded that they be searched only for cooking oil, salt, cocoa and juice to be found hidden inside them. They were paraded outside the supermarket for all to see them.

They were later taken to Mukuru kwa Njenga chief’s camp and ordered to confess and illustrate how they managed to hide all that stuff inside them. They refused at first but after the mob threatened to beat them they explained how all that was possible.

They were later taken to Embakasi Police Station to record a statement.


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